Sunday, April 7, 2013

Legal and Ethical issues

Copyright is a issue that everyone would somehow copy something when they don't know. For example, when writing a paper and you need to use some information from a book and forgot to put quotes and the author name then that will be copying. or when watching a video and didn't know but putting it in your own video and thought you saw it somewhere but just put it in your owns. In the article "Apple loses tablet copyright appeal against Samsung", Samsung copy Apple's shape and design.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Privacy and Security

I think internet is not a private place to put anything on it. I remember one time I went to a party with my friends and my friends took some pictures of us. I didn't really want any of the pictures of me in it but my friend post of with all of us in it. I was tagged on it and people who were friends with me and the people who were tagged was shown the picture to. I didn't like the idea of tagging because when you put as private it sometimes mean its for yourself or your friend's friends can also see. This situation is just like the article from "Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private".

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Twitter conversation is similar to blackboard and blog conversation because all of them is writing your own opinions down like a journal. Twitter and blog is same because both you can post pictures and find friends and other interesting things to read about. But blackboard is just for school use. Also twitter is for everyone to read, follow, and can only type up to around 140 letters. But blackboard and blog will need the person to have the other side's information to see what they wrote and can type more words. I prefer blogs because I can write more and post pictures to my friends to read. I followed one Korean girl group and news about Korean celebrities. They post about the celebrities with new songs, coming shows, and other celebrities' new fashion and etc.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Social Media

Social media is what people use to chat with their friends, share pictures, share videos and fun quotes of what they been doing lately. The only social networking sites that I use is Facebook and Blogger. I prefer using Facebook because most of my friends use Facebook to chat, share pictures and I used Facebook for a couple of years. Blogger is still new to me, this is the first time I used Blogger, and there are still a lot of things that I do not know how to use in Blogger. Twitter is one of the other one that some of my friends use but I do not know how to use this one. Twitter is just like Myspace and Blogger. People can comment on other friends quotes or statues. In "Professor Encourages Students to Pass Notes During Class - via Twitter", is one example to see that even professor are using twitter to teach. Twitter lets all the student's good ideas to be read and to be shared.  

Friday, February 15, 2013

World Wide Web

The World Wide Web will be soon being depending on this one program. People would not have to go out to do anything because of the program they have. In the article “The Windy City Teams with Microsoft on Cloud Strategy”, there is a new program that will deal with a lot more than the last program.  It will have most of what people will need mostly every day. An advantage will be having more employees to work on this program, and everything will be convenient because all the things you need, will be in this one program. A disadvantage of this program will be not able to a thing if they don’t have this program, and they will rely on this program to do everything. ‘The cloud’ is an online hard drive. Without ‘the cloud’, people will not be able to save their important information online. People would rely on ‘the cloud’ to save all their documents. If there was no electricity, internet or ‘the cloud’ then people would not have anything to show on a different computer compared to people who have documents on paper which would be available at the present time.  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Networks and Communication

Technology is everyday use. People of any ages will use technologies like computers, cell phones, tablets, and etc. They would use the technology to communicate with people from close or far. Some advantages of having technology like email, text, Instant Messenger, Skype since these were made for people so they can talk to other people from far away like United States calling to China using Skype. People can just text a few words and they will not have to waste phone calls. They can send documents or anything to someone with email instead of bringing a lot of documents to them; people can send pictures to their friends or families to share instead of waiting until the pictures are printed and text can say something that they cannot say when they are facing the person. Some disadvantages of having technology are people will become shy and unable to talk to people face to face, people's health will get bad because their eyes will get bad and people will gain more weights because they would stay at home and text friends instead of hanging out with them and go walk out, and texting will distract people from doing other things. Texting people will harm themselves just like in this article "Texting woman falls  in fountain, files lawsuit", people will get distracted due to texting instead of looking at what is around them. I think people who are driving should try to park somewhere to answer their text before anything bad happens, or people should ad block to their spam.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Introduce myself

Hello, this is my first blog. I am a junior. My major is in computer science, information technology. I am deciding to minor in music. I love to play piano and violin.