Sunday, April 7, 2013

Legal and Ethical issues

Copyright is a issue that everyone would somehow copy something when they don't know. For example, when writing a paper and you need to use some information from a book and forgot to put quotes and the author name then that will be copying. or when watching a video and didn't know but putting it in your own video and thought you saw it somewhere but just put it in your owns. In the article "Apple loses tablet copyright appeal against Samsung", Samsung copy Apple's shape and design.


  1. I believe even with photo's, a person should be acknowledged for their work. Great post, keep it up.

  2. You should take a look at this joke about Apple's lawsuit: Basically a joke about Apple and their greedy and wrong idea that they can copyright things that they did not invent.

  3. It is a fact that most of people that that download software or copy from someone else through internet are unaware that they violate the copyright law.
